Friday 21 November 2008

Letting go...

We are currently reviewing the applications for the post of project manager who will work with Mark, the project director. Once the manager has been appointed I will no longer be directly involved with the project. I will be a member of the steering committee but will be taking a back seat regarding the day-to-day activities. I have to confess that I am feeling a little sad about handing over the project. Mark and I, plus support from other colleagues, wrote the bid in the summer and I have been involved with the project from the beginning. I am passionate about ESCAPE and having met with Academic staff from the relevant Schools, am keen to share their endeavours. It feels very difficult to give something up that I have been so involved with and it’s also sad to walk away after having such a good time at the start up meeting last week. However, other work commitments will be keeping me busy and I shall be watching with interest about how the project develops.

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