The session was well received with lots of interest being generated. There were three workshops in the afternoon., where we had a chance to explore the use of wikis in a bit more depth. It was a very appropriate way to finish the project- showing what we had been able to achieve in partnership with the modules we worked with.
Thursday, 16 December 2010
The ripples are still visible
The session was well received with lots of interest being generated. There were three workshops in the afternoon., where we had a chance to explore the use of wikis in a bit more depth. It was a very appropriate way to finish the project- showing what we had been able to achieve in partnership with the modules we worked with.
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Assessment Patterns
The assessment patterns show graphically alternative assessment strategies and highlights the possible consequences of the different patterns.
The assessment patterns have been further developed and separated to allow ready access to three areas. Of course the assessment patterns are complimentary but each set relates to a particular area.
The areas relate to
* Moving away from high-stakes end of process assessment
* Making more of feedback
* Programme view of assessment
Links to the assessment patterns (docs) and a wiki and video page can be found here
Comments welcome
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
FInal hurrah?
We presented to a smallish (but packed) room. I hear they had to turn people away form our session due to the crowded conditions. Anyway, it was useful to see, what appeared as, genuine enthusiasm for our work and the toolkit. Prof. Chris Rust (long standing expert in assessment) asked for access to the resources - he wants to take them to an assessment workshop he is running at Kingston University.
Really pleasing that as the project finishes - so the legacy remains and the resources are there for others to use and engage with. Sustainability, and growing better assessment practice was at the heart of the ESCAPE project and it seems like we are doing exactly that.
Friday, 1 October 2010
Assessment patterns - a video
Thoughts / ideas most welcome
Introductory video follows ...
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Assessment patterns - not long now!
As this project draws to a close so we are keen to keep supporting UH. Indeed our University has funded a year long, UH-wide project related to assessment. Naturally, the ESCAPE project will feed beautifully into one of the strands of the project.
One of things I'm drawing together is a set of assessment patterns. The patterns are graphic images that show the likely consequences of different assessment regimes. The patterns show differently weighted assessments located at different places on a timescale. I've shown these evolving patterns to a couple of (internal) audiences and they seem to be well liked. Just tidying up the document now and I'll post it here for comment. Watch this space.
I'd be really interested to hear your thoughts on the usefulness (or other) of the graphic representations.
Thursday, 9 September 2010
ESCAPE themes - student focus
But the design is only one facet of good assessment. The role of the students also needs to be considered. Sure, the design should stimulate appropriate student behaviors etc. but we wanted to go further.
What we are working on now, is a set of 'accessing questions' for our ESCAPE themes that are explicitly written for students. We have the same themes (of course) but the accessing questions are different. Although, we have not tested the ideas out yet, I wanted to share some of our current thinking. Comments, questions, thoughts, most welcome.
Good Practice in Assessment-For-Learning:
Engages students with the assessment criteria
Assessment is an important aspect of student learning and should be used to help reinforce the expected standards. Our interactions with students, through assessment and feedback, should help students engage with the assessment criteria.
Q1.1 I seek out opportunities to help me understand the academic standards expected of Higher Education.
Q1.2 I take advantage of the resources available (across UH) to ensure my work meets the academic standards expected of me.
Q1.3 When presented with an assessment task I read and ensure I correctly understand the assessment criteria
Q1.4 When I receive feedback on my work I look at my feedback and link it back to the assessment criteria to support my future learning
Q1.5 I ensure my assessment submission responds to all the assessment criteria / learning outcomes described in the assessment briefing documents
In what ways do you engage with the assessment criteria?
Good Practice in Assessment-For-Learning:
Supports personalised learning
Students have their own motivations and interests. As individuals, students also have differing needs to support their learning. Whilst individual assessment tasks are likely to be an impractical proposition it is helpful to consider how assessment can support the personalisation of learning.
Q2.1 Where appropriate, I use my own personal experiences to support my assessment submissions.
Q2.2 I take opportunities to let my lecturer know about the areas I would like feedback on (strengths and weaknesses).
Q2.3 I take advantage of any assessment choices presented to me to suit my learning preferences (topic/weighting/timing/criteria).
To finish!
In what ways do seek out opportunities for personalised learning?
Good Practice in Assessment-For-Learning:
Ensures feedback leads to improvement
Feedback is an essential aspect of assessment activity. Feedback will be more effective if it is prompt and makes sense to the students. Moreover, good feedback provides a commentary on the students’ submissions, offers advice on how the work could be developed and provides opportunities for students to demonstrably engage with the feedback.
Q3.1 I recognise the many ways that feedback is presented to me about my work and my learning
Q3.2 I know when and where feedback on my assessment is available and pick up my feedback as soon as it is released.
Q3.3 I take opportunities to discuss feedback with my lecturers and my peers.
Q3.4 I take the time to identify (by myself and / or with my peers) the strengths and weaknesses of my own assessment.
Q3.5 I use feedback from previous assessment tasks to help me improve my understanding and my next assessment task
In what ways do you ensure that the feedback leads to your improvement?
Good Practice in Assessment-For-Learning:
Focuses on student development
Assessment has a significant influence on student motivation and the ways in which students approach their learning. Good assessment develops the students’ interests, motivations and encourages appropriate study behaviours. Ultimately good assessment motivates good learning.
Q4.1 When constructing my assessment submission I focus my effort on learning (i.e. linking concepts together) rather than just remembering information.
Q4.2 When I receive feedback on my assessment I look carefully at the comments, advice and encouragement and do not just concentrate on the marks I received
Q4.3 I take the time to review my own assessment (self assessment) before and after I submit my work
Q4.4 I make sure I identify the positive aspects of my own work as well as areas for improvement
In what ways do you ensure your activity focuses on the development of your learning?
Good Practice in Assessment-For-Learning:
Stimulates dialogue
A good learning environment considers the individual student whilst also recognising the importance of a learning community. Further, learning is enhanced if students are able to share their conceptions and misconceptions. Good assessments support the development of a learning community and provide opportunities for students to engage in a dialogue about their learning.
Teachers too should have an opportunity to engage in a dialogue. A dialogue that helps them shape their teaching and engage in staff, module and programme development activity.
Q5.1. I take every opportunity to contribute to group and class discussions relating to assessment and learning.
Q5.2. I look for opportunities to discuss my assessment with my peers and my teachers
Q5.3 I look for other sources of help to support my assessment. This might include reading lists, learning groups, central support systems etc.
Q5.4. I use the assessment tasks (and subsequent feedback) to help me develop my understanding of the standards expected of me
Q5.5. I always read the feedback I receive and use it to help me shape my learning
In what ways do you engage in dialogue about your learning and assessment activity
Good Practice in Assessment-For-Learning:
Considers student and staff effort
Good assessments create a good educational experience. Good assessment set out high expectations, foster appropriate study behaviours and stimulate students’ inquisitiveness, motivation and interest. Good assessment should distribute the students’ effort across the study-period and topic areas. Good assessments will demand an appropriate amount of student effort. Good assessments will not, however overload students nor their teachers. Good assessments ensure there is adequate time for teachers to create and deliver feedback in ways that supports student learning.
Q6.1. I put all my assessment deadlines in a diary/online calendar so that I am aware of what is expected of me
Q6.2 I plan my work so that I am able to work on assessment tasks that have overlapping deadlines
Q6.3. I avoid cramming and spread out my time on assessment tasks
Q6.4 I follow the advice given (on the assignment briefing document) regarding how much time I should typically spend on my assessment activity
Q6.5 For each assessment task I carefully plan each stage of the work (e.g. reviewing previous feedback, reading/research for new assignment, creating a first draft, reviewing and amending, proof reading, self evaluation, submission)
In what ways do you plan and manage your effort to enhance your learning?
Again, comments / thought / questions most welcome.
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Final Cluster Meeting
- the development of a set of ESCAPE Principles
- mapping the current assessment landscape to these principles
- considering efficiency verses effectiveness
- what does transformative change look like
- demonstration of some of the "themes in practice" videos
We talked about how the project has laid a foundation for staff engagement with a year long university wide assessment project that is running post ESCAPE.
The meeting was in the usual format of a two day timetable with meeting spread over lunchtime on the Thursday to lunchtime on the Friday. Helen Beetham joined us on Friday to facilitate a session on exploring what we have learnt as a cluster. We were looking to build upon the collaborative efforts of our joint cluster presentation at the University of Greenwich e- learning Conference. There were some interesting ideas for further collaboration including a collaboration with the University of Exeter (INTEGRATE Project) with a sharing of resources from our projects.
We agreed that beyond the final programme meting in October we would look to meet in 12 - 18 months to look at what impact our projects have had.
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Themes In Practice (2)
The video is another of the assessment TIP's (Themes In Practice) and has been produced to show how our ESCAPE themes relate to assessment practice.
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Mapping the assessment landscape
The following demonstrates our activity and offers the idea as a concept to help you in your explorations
Saturday, 3 July 2010
Mapping educational effectiveness and resource efficiency
we found this to be a valuable tool to work with our partners in developing better educative assessments that are not overly demanding on their time. The following video sets out the matrix.
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Video of our ESCAPE themes
Thoughts on the format and themes are, as always, most welcome
Good assessment - the right of all our students
The 'draft' piece follows. Lets see what happens and see if it get included
Good assessment - the right of all students!
The ESCAPE project
Good assessment is the right of all our students - fact! Good assessment should not be the experience of a lucky few taught by academics that understand the significant influence of assessment. An influence that, inter alia, shapes students’ study behaviours, stimulates an appropriate ‘approach’ to learning, and arouses the students’ inquisitiveness in learning and their subject discipline. Such aspirations, although not impossible, are becoming every more difficult given the increase in student numbers and associated reduction in resource.
Our JISC funded project, Effecting Sustainable Change in Assessment Practice and Experience (ESCAPE) seeks to bring about enhancements to assessment in a resource efficient way. Working with two Academic Schools at the University of Hertfordshire, (The Business School and The School of Life Sciences), we set out to explore current assessment practice, surface conceptions of good assessment and subsequently support our partners as they review and develop their assessment practice.
What is good?
Review the assessment literature and you will unearth numerous sets of principles of good assessment and feedback practice. See for instance (Gibbs & Simpson, 2004; McDowell et al., 2006; Nicol, 2007; Nicol & Macfarlane-Dick, 2006; Weston-Manor-Group, 2007), and of course the principles espoused by the National Union of Students (separately on assessment and feedback). To help us engage with busy academics, and being mindful of the so-called magic number seven, we have drawn together the existing principles and produced a set of six overarching ESCAPE themes. These are:
Good assessment for learning…
• Engages students with the assessment criteria
• Supports personalised learning
• Ensures feedback leads to improvement
• Focuses on student development
• Stimulates dialogue
• Considers student and staff effort
Although we recognise the importance of assessment as an instrument to measure learning our primary interest is using assessment to encourage and stimulate, and not measure, learning.
Working with our ESCAPE partner schools we are using the themes to establish a better assessment and hence educational experience for their students. Using the themes along with a purposely positive exploration of current practice we are working with staff to develop assessment that is both educative and resource efficient. By working at the conceptual level of good assessment, rather than offering quick fixes, we are providing a framework for our partners to take their developing assessment expertise to other modules. Indeed we are already seeing assessment developments being translated on other non-ESCAPE modules.
An example in practice
One of our ESCAPE modules previously required students to provide an individual laboratory report. The laboratory is traditionally a formal document describing the aims of the study, apparatus, method, results and discussion. The nature of the setting however, around 90 students and an individual report, meant that students were not provided with feedback immediately after their submission and the students’ thinking and developing conceptions could not readily be seen by their lecturer. The lecturer could only see the students’ conceptions when the final submission was made.
Following the module teams engagement with the ESCAPE project, the students now work in groups and co-construct their laboratory report on a wiki. Importantly, the wiki ensures that individual contributions are seen and the evolving laboratory report is visible to the lecturer. As such the lecturer now engages with the students’ work at regular intervals and provides on-going feedback on the students work, thinking and analysis. As such this feedback can now be used by the students to shape their thinking and their work.
At the end of the group process, and to alleviate concerns over working in a group that has different levels of student contributions, the students also provide a mark along with an justification statement (for the mark) for each of their group members. These student marks help individualise the mark provided by the lecturer.
The lecturer, new to wiki’s at the start of the process, believes his students now have a better educational experience and he has saved time; win-win at its best.
Numerous examples of effective and resources efficient practice are available and naturally we want to spread our ways of working more widely across the University. Good assessment is, after all, the right of all our students!
For more information about the ESCAPE project take a look at
Gibbs, G., & Simpson, C. (2004). Conditions under which assessment supports students' learning. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education,, 1, 8.
McDowell, L., Sambell, K., Bazin, V., Penlington, R. W., D, Wickes, H., & Smailes, J. (2006). Assessment for learning: Current practice exemplars from the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Assessment for Learning o. Document Number)
Nicol, D. (2007). Principles of good assessment and feedback: Theory and practice. Paper presented at the Assessment design for learner responsibility, Reap On-Line.
Nicol, D., & Macfarlane-Dick, D. (2006). Formative assessment and self-regulated learning: a model and seven principles of good feedback practice. Studies in Higher Education, 31(2), 199-218.
Weston-Manor-Group. (2007). Assessment Standards : A manifesto for change. Retrieved 20 October 2008, from
Monday, 28 June 2010
ESCAPE themes - so far so good!
Readers of the ESCAPE blog, and those of you that know our project, will be aware that we are trying to support staff develop both 'educationally effective' and 'resource efficient' assessment.
We believe that all staff want to do a good job but also acknowledge they experience various demands on their time. Research, consultancy activity, teaching, assessing students, providing pastoral care etc.
To reconcile the desire to help staff develop good assessments against the 'time-demanding' backdrop, part of our engagement is to provide ready access to the literature. Sure, staff might want quick 'hints and tips', and we are providing them, but we are keen too to make sure that the hints and tips etc. are located against a set of themes that describe what good assessment looks like.
For completeness, although stated elsewhere our ESCAPE themes are:
Good assessment for learning...
- Engages students with the assessment criteria
- Supports personalised learning
- Ensures feedback leads to improvement
- Focuses on student development
- Stimulates dialogue
- considers staff and student effort
These themes have evolved over the duration of the project and now follow us around as we talk about the project and work with our ESCAPE partners.
It's really helpful to know that as we share our themes in different arenas we are not seeing any adverse reaction. They seem to capture the thoughts of the practitioner too; indeed we wrote them with a view on being accessible and having face validity. They have been shown on numerous events, both inside and outside the University of Hertfordshire, and are seemingly doing what we set out to do.
In fact a participant at a recent event indicated he seen them before, Unlikely, (highly unlikely), but at least it shows the notion that the themes are not challenging 'appropriate' thinking about good assessment and that staff already indicate they like them.
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Essentially ..
1. We outlined the context for our project
2. We gave a run through of main features of the ESCAPE toolkit
- Themes and questions (Diagnostic)
- Features and consequences
- Ideas (including our three minute assessment Tips, Themes in Practice, see earlier blog post)
It was really good to see some of the concrete things emerging from the work. It was particularly rewarding too to look back at some of our Partner modules and just see how far we have taken them; both in terms of their thinking about assessment and feedback practice and also in their use of technology. .
We took a couple of questions at the end of the session. Perhaps the most encouraging was a question asking if access to our ESCAPE toolkit was possible – It is! Such interest validates our thinking and also shows how projects run by one institution can also help and influence practice elsewhere too.
I was really pleased that Sarah and Marianne were able to join us and see the fruits of their programme being shared with others.
Monday, 21 June 2010
Making an existing assessment activity more efficient
One of the 'additional' modules that sought our advice was Human Physiology - School of Life Sciences. Within that module the students were already engaging in peer assessment.
The peer assessment activity brought many learning opportunities but some of the hoped for time savings were lost with students immediately questioning the marks given by their peers.
Staff were engaged in time consuming activity associated with moderating the marks.
ESCAPE involvement sought to support the existing work but use technology to drive more reflection, try to get the to students' understand their strengths and areas for improvement and also require the students to present a considered and evidenced-based argument where they believed they were over or under marked.
The use of a web based data collection facility (offered by the ESCAPE project) provided some great data, encouraged the learning and also saved staff time.
The story was presented as a poster at the Fifth International Blended Learning Conference and represents a really good example of ESCAPE in practice.
Poster can be found here
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Assessment TIPs are on their way
We are keen that the Themes are not abstract concepts. In fact we have written them so that the language is accessible and they have face-validity.
I am now in the process of preparing a collection of short videos showing the Themes in Practice (TIPs).
I'm going for 'three minute TIPs' since I want to be able to get the TIPs seen by busy academics. The first of our TIPs is attached.
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Graham's views certainly mirrored our experiences.It was something that we had anticipated when considering our approach to working with our stakeholders. One of the early parts of the ESCAPE project involved mapping the influences of individuals and teams within schools. We looked at who were the key opinion formers within the schools and how we could get them "on side". Additionally we looked what were the formal and as important, informal channels of communication within schools.
We also looked at how we could encourage collateral effects - how the stakeholders we were working with could influence others. Both over the course of the project and beyond as part of our sustainability planning.
As part of the event I was invited by Peter Hartley - who chaired, to present an outline the ESCAPE project. It was extremely valuable to get the benefit of the teams experience experience in the discussion that followed.
I was able to suggest some alternative approaches for the PASS project that involved taking a cross module approach to assessment that is designed to break down the barriers between modules as a "halfway house" to full programme level assessments. I spoke about the experiences of two of the programmes at the University of Hertfordshire ,that have worked towards implementing a more integrated approach to assessment that attempts to transcend the module based assessment model.
As part of the meeting Graham Gibbs discussed his guide "using assessment to support student learning" which is available at:
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Collateral Effects
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Use of a Visualiser in Mathematics Support
One of the technologies that we are looking at to support students is the use of short videos. We are working with staff and students using flipcams to demonstrate laboratory and mathematical techniques.
IN the case of the mathematical techniques, we are using a visualiser to project the image onto a white board and focusing on the projection of the paper that the calculation is laid out on.
The calculation fills the screen and the lecturer explains the mathematical technique, carrying it out step by step. The lecturer's narration and explanation indicate the difficult parts of the calculation and guides the student through the technique. The videos will be made available on Studynet and students opinion on their usefulness in supporting the mathematics workshops will be sought. Their particular use will be demonstrating applied mathematical laboratory techniques when students which students traditionally have problems with.
Is a good example of how simple technology can support the appropriate pedagogy in delivering student centered learning. Furthermore we are able to gain the student view as to their usefulness through the discussion feature on Studynet.
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
WATS in BioSciences
Friday, 23 April 2010
JISC Conference 13th April 2010
All in all a really challenging and informative keynote address
It's Quality Time!
Here comes the data (2)
A previous post (Here comes the data 1) outlined the use of technology to collect feedback from students engaged in a peer assessment activity. In the previous post I suggested that was a real win-win. Better learning and time savings.
Here are some of the findings. Click the image to read the responses.
Here comes the data (1) ...
We are now starting to see the fruits of our labour on the ESCAPE project. Some of the 'fruits' arise when we talk to staff about their assessment practice and resulting experience whereas other 'fruit' arises from observations of student performance and their engagement with their studies. I thought I would share some of what we are finding ...
A new module (not one of the original ESCAPE modules) wanted help with Peer Assessment. The member of staff was already engaging her students with peer assessment and hence were reaping numerous learning gains.
* Students were able to see how their peers responded to the same task
* Students were able to engage more with the marking criteria and standards
Previously, however, she was kept very busy after the peer assessment by dealing with more than expected students questioning their marks. Whilst it is highly appropriate that the students are exposed to a fair and reliable assessment, many of the efficiency gains made by the staff member were lost due to the need to deal with students on a one-to-one basis.
With the help of the ESCAPE project we were able to re-purpose a web-based data collection facility (developed to support computer based assessment). Using the web based data collection facility we posted to the students a series of questions (asking them to reflect on their own submission and the peer assessment process. This was an addition to the work previously done and hence created addiction learning gains. Importantly, we also included an opportunity for the students to 'comment on their mark' and note that if they were over or under marked to provide evidence where this was the case -with reference to the marking criteria used in the peer assessment process. The result was of which a vast reduction in 'additional' time required by the staff member to look at the concerns.
This addition was a real win-win. Students were now reflecting on the process (and sharing the reflections with staff) and the staff were reaping efficiency gains.
Slightly self-promoting but this typifies exactly the type of things this project is about. Using technology (led by pedagogy) to reap learning and efficiency gains.
I can't see this technology-supported intervention stopping when the project finishes.
Friday, 2 April 2010
We have sought numerous opportunities to collect feedback throughout our project and not just at its end. In fact, we are awash with data and feedback. It will be a real challenge to use the data and feed it into our final evaluation. We have so many threads of activity and so many things we would want to share.
But I do want to post here one of the observations made by one of our ESCAPE partners. In many ways the quote captures everything we're trying to do. Support our partners, help them with their practice and allow them to take the work we are doing with them into other modules. i..e Spreading the learning and benefit.
The quote came from a conversation between our ESCAPE partners and was not solicited in any way. You can imagine my scrabble for a pen and paper!
The ESCAPE project has made me think about the way I give feedback and it has changed my practice in all modules.
She went on to say that
I now organise myself such that I am able to give feedback straight away. I now plan my diary around large coursework to free up 2-3 and re-arrange teaching sessions so that I can get a chance to give feedback.
Arguably, the above quotes demonstrate the transformative nature of the project and shows that the learning and benefit is not constrained to the modules we are working with.
Great stuff!
Learning from the slopes!
I'm not a skier. I have never been skiing, until recently that is.
But as I was learning to ski (or rather learning how to pick myself up from the white stuff) lots of my time was spent thinking about my learning (on the slopes) and the things that supported my ability to learn and get going.
I'm really interested in notions of personalised learning.
Personalised learning requires personal activity and learning activities that are adaptive to the demonstrable needs of the learner. This is true in the classroom and on the slopes. Personalised learning does not throw the learner in too far at the deep end but develops the learners confidence and hence their inquisitiveness and willingness to progress. Personalised learning does not swamp the learner with feedback nor provide fedback that is inaccessible to the learner either.
All of these things were so beautifully reinforced to me as I tried to ski. Putting ourselfs in situations that make us the novice (skiing in my case) was great to see some of the things about learning relate to me.
Being a novice and thinking about learning was just great.
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Interim Reporting and Future Plans
Cluster Meeting 25th & 26th March 2010
JISC Experts Group
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Sharing what we do
Friday, 26 February 2010
Supporting Peer Assessment
Helen Barefoot and I took a Flipcam outside (for a walk) to hear about the recent ESCAPE activity supporting Peer Assessment.
- Plans for the WATS system to be used with the MSc Life Science students next academic year - building on the successes in using it with with a first year Life Science module
- Working with another three modules from the division of sports science over the coming months - facilitating and supporting a re - engineering approach to their assessments
- Working with one of the ESCAPE module coordinators on a masters module to support the use of video to assess group work
- Working with one of the compulsory first year modules in the Business School that has over 1600 students taking it in two cohorts.
- Being approached by a module coordinator to help to re-engineer the assessment for a large Health & Human module that involves students on placement - assessing them them through the use of group work and a piece of reflective writing.
We are looking at what is the best way to work with people who have approached us and we will probably work with individual teams or areas as and when we are asked to. This approach offers us quite a bit of flexibility in the approaches we use - rather than using a larger " come into the big tent and see the show" approach.
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
- Reflecting on the changes made to the module in the light of ESCAPE.
- Mapping these changes to agreed principles of assessment for learning.
- Planning for sustainability - ensuring that the changes that are put in place in the piloting phase are built upon.
We are aiming to capture the reflections with the use of the ubiquitous flipcam. We will be exploring:
- What went well - share and celebrate your successes
- What needed more development
- what was the change in the student experience
- what was the student response to the changes
Incidentally quite a few of the module coordinators have flipcams and I will blog about what they have been used for soon.
I am looking forward to a really good afternoon - it will be the first chance that many of the lecturers have had to meet with their peers since before Christmas. And hopefully it will provide good opportunities for sharing of experiences and ideas.
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Off to Scotland
Helen Barefoot and I were invited by the HEA to talk run a workshop on assessment and feedback at an all day Assessment event at the Robert Gordon University. What follows is a collection of (very quick) thoughts on the day …
Helen and I have run a few workshops together (inside UH) and so it was just great to take our work (much of which is guided by our ESCAPE activity) to colleagues outside UH. For various reasons the workshop did not run :-(. Despite our disappointment we did get to hear some great assessment related presentations.
Dai Hounsell presented a really grounded key-note and, in fact covered, much of what we were covering too. That assessment is not a new challenge, that good assessment is planned activity and that good assessment stimulates learning. We did not need the NSS to get us thinking that assessment is important. Some really useful slides from Dai that I will explore and come back to in a later post. Great start to the day.
A couple of student perspective presentations followed.
A student led campaign that successful introduced a turn-around-time policy for coursework and interestingly a policy to provide feedback on examination scripts. The learning gains to be had from providing feedback on examination scripts seems rather limited to me. I’m always banging-on about feedback creating consequences, and I’m just not convinced I know what consequences flow, or are able to flow, from feedback on end-of-process, high stakes assessment tasks. That’s a post for another day. But just to say, I’m off the fence on this one. I just don’t get it. Another delegate did note they had a similar policy at his institution and only 15% of the scripts (with feedback) were picked up. Surely we would be better placed putting our feedback on work that will be picked up and more importantly attended to, by the students. And relax!
Steve Draper, engaging as ever, had a couple of threads running through his presentation. First, was the interesting anomaly that overall a department was rated 5th against other departments (107 in total) for the NSS question overall, I am satisfied with the quality of the course and yet questions relating to feedback were ranked much lower. Feedback on my work has been prompt (ranked 54/107), Feedback on my work has helped me clarify things I did not understand (ranked 79/107) have received detailed comments on my work (ranked 101/107). Steve asked us to explore what might be going on. Was there a complex weighting algorithm for all the items on the NSS? Should the individual items of the NSS not sum to the overall score? If not, what was missing, what was the missing ingredient? Second, Steve separated declarative and procedural learning and pondered as to where our efforts on providing feedback might prove most effective. i.e. might we get more learning from less or (better targeted) feedback?
Off to Wales
I was invited to present some work on Blended Learning (which included assessment activity) to Glamorgan University. Rather than just present ‘stuff’ I tried to engage those that gave up their lunchtime by asking them to consider their own challenges and also ask what they thought supports learning. Clearly, technology enhanced learning is about learning, not technology, and so I wanted to help surface their own values and pedagogic perspectives. I presented the UH context and gave some examples of Blended Learning in practice.
Following the session I was whisked away to share some of our ESCAPE activity. Glamorgan have a Change Academy project which focuses on assessment . I tried to outline some of the ways in which we (the ESCAPE team)( were working and also highlight some of things worth considering.
I tried to emphasise
* That whilst assessment was the focus of our attention, our project was about change management too.
* the importance of, and benefits to be gained, by considering an Appreciative Inquiry approach to evaluation
* The importance of trying to understand the culture and constraints and of the Schools we were working with
* The importance of working with a principled approach to curriculum design and that we (the project lead) need to bring the principles to the Schools.
* That innovation and change is stimulated by many things and that we need to be alert to the different stimuli and create situations where they can flourish
* That developing educationally effective assessments alone might not stimulate all colleagues. Many staff are experiencing numerous time pressures and so consideration of resource efficiency along with educational effectiveness is important too.
It’s a real shame that I didn’t get more / any time to hear about their work but having established contact I will follow things up to see how they are working and how we might benefit from their insights too.