Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Collateral Effects

We have been approached by some of the teams working in the sports therapy area to see if we can work with them to look at their approach to assessment and learning on two of their modules. They had come along to one of the university wide presentations that we gave on the ESCAPE project .

We are exploring with these modules how the the use of student produced videos of therapeutic techniques can be used to support the students with their practical classes. One of the themes that a is emerging is motivating students to practice the techniques on a regular basis so that they can master them.

After speaking with one of the module coordinators this morning it striking how similar many of the assessment issues resonate with those that we are already working on. It is clear that the foundation that we have laid with the original module teams is providing a jump off point in applying the assessment approaches that have been adopted to these "secondary effect" modules . We had of course expected the to be secondary and collateral effects - viz: others we would work with or would influence, but what is surprising is how portable some of the techniques and approaches that our module teams have developed piloted may turn out to be.

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