Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Final Cluster Meeting

We have just had our last cluster meeting, which was held at the University of Exeter. The theme of the meeting was to give each project a chance to present what had been achieved over the two years and to look to the future - beyond the official end of the projects at the end of October. It gave us a chance to per critique each other projects. We presented on the work of ESCAPE and Mark demonstrated aspects of the ESCAPE Toolkit. Themes that we covered included:

  • the development of a set of ESCAPE Principles

  • mapping the current assessment landscape to these principles

  • considering efficiency verses effectiveness

  • what does transformative change look like

  • demonstration of some of the "themes in practice" videos

We talked about how the project has laid a foundation for staff engagement with a year long university wide assessment project that is running post ESCAPE.

The meeting was in the usual format of a two day timetable with meeting spread over lunchtime on the Thursday to lunchtime on the Friday. Helen Beetham joined us on Friday to facilitate a session on exploring what we have learnt as a cluster. We were looking to build upon the collaborative efforts of our joint cluster presentation at the University of Greenwich e- learning Conference. There were some interesting ideas for further collaboration including a collaboration with the University of Exeter (INTEGRATE Project) with a sharing of resources from our projects.

We agreed that beyond the final programme meting in October we would look to meet in 12 - 18 months to look at what impact our projects have had.

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