Wednesday, 27 October 2010

FInal hurrah?

So Dr Helen Barefoot and I presented the ESCAPE work and the ESCAPE (Assessment for Learning) toolkit at the recent International Soiety for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) conference in Liverpool. There was something really nice and rounded presenting with Helen. She and I put the original bid together all those years ago. Really pleased that Helen had another chance to articulate some of her thinking on assessment and feedback.

We presented to a smallish (but packed) room. I hear they had to turn people away form our session due to the crowded conditions. Anyway, it was useful to see, what appeared as, genuine enthusiasm for our work and the toolkit. Prof. Chris Rust (long standing expert in assessment) asked for access to the resources - he wants to take them to an assessment workshop he is running at Kingston University.

Really pleasing that as the project finishes - so the legacy remains and the resources are there for others to use and engage with. Sustainability, and growing better assessment practice was at the heart of the ESCAPE project and it seems like we are doing exactly that.


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