Sunday, 27 June 2010


Dominic and I recently presented our work at the International Blended Learning Conference. The room was full – which was just great. We were joined too by Sarah knight and Marianne Sheppard from the JISC and so it was just great that they could pick up another update of our work and hear delegates thoughts of our work from delegates.

Essentially ..
1. We outlined the context for our project
2. We gave a run through of main features of the ESCAPE toolkit
  • Themes and questions (Diagnostic)
  • Features and consequences
  • Ideas (including our three minute assessment Tips, Themes in Practice, see earlier blog post)
3. We demonstrated an example of change in action

It was really good to see some of the concrete things emerging from the work. It was particularly rewarding too to look back at some of our Partner modules and just see how far we have taken them; both in terms of their thinking about assessment and feedback practice and also in their use of technology. .

We took a couple of questions at the end of the session. Perhaps the most encouraging was a question asking if access to our ESCAPE toolkit was possible – It is! Such interest validates our thinking and also shows how projects run by one institution can also help and influence practice elsewhere too.
I was really pleased that Sarah and Marianne were able to join us and see the fruits of their programme being shared with others.

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