Monday, 2 February 2009

Appreciating what works ...

As we develop and map out our evaluation plans at the forefront of our thinking is a desire to ...

* evaluate 'as we go' and learn lessons quickly
* ensure the evaluation activity does not upset or interfere with our collaborative endeavors with our partner schools
* seek out what already works
* get as much stakeholder input into the evaluation activity as possible.

Appreciative Inquiry (AI) seems to offer an evaluation framework that meets many of the characteristics we are looking for. We will frame our questions in the spirit of AI and go looking for what works and how we can use more of it.

Visioning a brighter future and not taking a deficit approach is something we are looking forward to engage with.

Will keep you informed of the progress and, because the approach to the ESCAPE team, will reflect back things that challenge and excite us


Malcolm said...

I was introduced to this technique briefly by Annette Zera as part of a 'Getting on Brilliantly' workshop. I liked it because it was so positive and reflects the tag line on my MSN page and e-mail signature - "Celebrate your achievements every day!"

Malcolm said...

More on Appreciative Enquiry recently posted on the HEA blog see:

MarkRussell said...

Thank you for this Malcolm.

For us too it is about celebrating what works and seeking opportunities to find out about and do more of the good stuff. The approach seems to bring greater engagement from the stakeholders too - which for us, as you know, is really important
