Thursday, 26 February 2009

Innovations week at the University of Bath

I have been invited to a few universities to present at their one or two day annual T&l conferences - and I am always impressed at the enthusiasm for the event and also the effort required to plan and manage such an event. The University of Bath seem a little discontent with one / two days events. They are now in the middle of an Innovations Week – wow. A really ambitious plan to put on a week of activities related to teaching and learning – or more specifically Feedback to Students and Engagement with Students . One of the days was dedicated to showcasing / brokering relations with the HEA Subject Centres and the CETL’s. We were invited as the Blended Learning Unit (BLU) – my day job is the BLU Deputy Director.

I have a few contacts in Bath and so took the opportunity to take BLU to the event and also catch up with some of my Bath contacts.

I had mixed views about how many people might turn up and how many Subject Centres and CETL’s the University would get. The event far exceeded my expectations.

I addition to showing some BLU activity I took the opportunity to plan a workshop - Clearly I remained in eye contact with the BLU space / poster. Hence managed to support Bath and also get some work done.

Really great job Bath and the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Office for coordinating the week - I took the idea of a week long event back to Hertfordshire and it will be just great if we could mimic some of the energy created at Bath.

Full Programme

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